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Understanding the Catholic Magisterium
Lecture 1: Why Study the Magisterium?
Why Study the Magisterium? (25:23)
Lecture 2: The Magisterium in Scripture
The Old Testament Foundation of the Magisterium (38:09)
The New Testament Foundation of the Magisterium (51:00)
The Post-Apostolic Witness to the Magisterium (16:38)
Lecture 3: The Papal Magisterium
The Papal Magisterium (Part 1) (30:49)
The Papal Magisterium (Part 2) (33:24)
Lecture 4: The Episcopal Magisterium
The Episcopal Magisterium (Part 1) (24:34)
The Episcopal Magisterium (Part 2) (27:29)
Lecture 5: Levels of Magisterial Authority
Levels of Magisterial Authority (Catholic Dogma) (20:01)
Levels of Magisterial Authority (Definitive Catholic Doctrine) (17:40)
Levels of Magisterial Authority (Non-Definitive Catholic Doctrine) (25:25)
Lecture 6: Identifying Definitive Teachings
Identifying Definitive Papal Teachings (33:47)
Identifying Definitive Conciliar and Ordinary Universal Teachings (34:25)
Lecture 7: Non-Definitive Teachings
The Magisterium on Non-Definitive Teachings (29:25)
Non-Definitive Teachings According to the Magisterium's Various Organs (30:06)
Lecture 8: Examining Magisterial Propositions
Evaluating and Interpreting Magisterial Documents (27:37)
Comparing Magisterial Propositions (16:28)
Lecture 9: Magisterial Reversals
What are Magisterial Reversals? (21:30)
The Episcopal Magisterium (Part 1)
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